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No purchase necessary to enter

One interest form per service address will be accepted for entry and one winner will be chosen on the day we begin the sign up process (when customers can customize their Conxxus services), this date is “to be determined”. Winner cannot exchange gift cards and certificates for cash or service credit . Only one winner will be chosen out of all residents who submitted interest in the active Findlay fiber optic service area. resident must live within the active Findlay Conxxus service area to be eligible to win, map of active Findlay service area is on the website.  We will be sending an email notification out to announce when its time to sign up and who won our contest!  keep a look out for that email!

Prizes include:  Eagle Creek Golf Course:  $40.00 Gift Card | Tailwinds Steakhouse: $30.00 Gift Certificate | R&K One Stop: $20.00 Gift Certificate | Beehive Salon:  $25.00 Gift Certificate