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Construction FAQs

Q: How is the fiber optic drop cable buried?
A: The cable is buried using a T-handle spade or a vibratory plow. Both methods place the cable 6-8 inches below the surface and are very low impact on lawns and landscaping.

Q: Will the cable burial damage my lawn?
A: No. The techniques we use are minimally invasive, and out contractors are held to the highest quality standards in the industry. There is sometimes a visible trace of where the cable is buried, but that will heal and fade (how quickly depends on the weather).

If the installation and restoration are not meeting your expectation of quality, we want to know. Please call us at 217.728.0003 or visit

Q: If I’m doing a project in my yard, how do I know where my fiber optic cable drop is buried
A: If you think your cable might be in conflict with a project you are planning (landscaping, home addition, etc…) be sure to call JULIE (#811) before you dig. Our technicians will mark the fiber optic cable so you can plan your project accordingly.

We will have a customer service representative reach out to discuss and plan the next steps in getting fiber optic cable run to your home for installation, if you have questions please call 888.712.0177  for more information on the process click here

Curious About the Fiber Process?

We want to show you all the steps when it comes to constructing an entire fiber network

Click the Fiber Process button below to see how the magic happens!



Have a Construction Concern?

As Conxxus grows and is able to serve more areas, you might start seeing more construction. We understand that it can be frustrating to have construction going on right next to your home. Please let us know if any issues arise from construction, and we will take care of it as soon as possible.

For restoration or construction concerns, please fill out the Construction Form below or give us a call through our Restoration Hotline at 217-728-0003.


Have Questions? Want a Free Quote?

Click the button below to fill out and submit a Contact Form, send an email to or call 888-712-0177